
Poruka od Miya_Una - English

  • My experience in Taiwan

  • Hello!
    • I'm a Ja Hello!
  • I'm a Japanese teenager.
  • Today I'd like to tell you my experience in Taiwan.
  • When I was travelling in Taiwan, I was spoken to by a local girl.
  • "Qing wen (Excuse me)," she said and kept her words in Chinese.
  • Though I was confused for a moment, I soon realized that she had my wallet in her hand.
  • She was telling me that I had dropped it.
  • "Oh, it's my wallet!
  • Xie xie(Thank you)!" I said.
  • When she heard I speak English, she looked a little surprised.
  • She was sure to think that I was Taiwanese because Taiwanese and Japanese are similar.
  • "Aiya, are you a foreigner?" she said in English with a cute Chinese accent, "Where are you from?" "I'm from... well," I hesitated a moment before replying because at that time Taiwan and Japan were raising territorial tension over Senkaku Islands (called Diaoyu in Taiwan).
  • I thougt that she might get complex feelings if I told her my nationality.
  • "Well, I'm from Japan," I said timidly.
  • "Ah, you're" Japanese!" she said, "Were you okay when you had the earthquake?" Then I was really surprised because I thought that she would say something about the islands.
  • "I was really worried about Japan then," she said sadly, "I know many people lost their lives as well as houses." At this time, I remembered that Taiwanese people helped Japan massively when we had the earthquake.
  • They sent not only a rescue party but also over twenty billion yen!
  • "Why did you Taiwanese helped us like that?" I asked.
  • Japan used to rule Taiwan and doesn't recognize it as an independent state today.
  • However, they did help us. "Why?
  • Why do you ask such a question?" she smiled, "Do you need a particular reason to help your friend?"