
Text från Kosichka - English

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    • In my personal opinion we are not doing enough to protect our environment.
    • But in fact, we have a lot of serious problems around us: polluted air, global warming, carbon emissions, ozon holes, melting icecaps ans so on.
    • Our air is fulled with greenhouse gazes.
    • We produce huge banches of plastic waste and other rubbish.
    • Manufacturing affects forests, animals and nature at all.
    • We should rectify this situation because it’s getting worse every year.
    • I suppose almost all people realize it.
    • Scientists discuss those issues whereas it’s not enough just to talk about that.
    • The situation need to get solved immediately.
    • But it’s not so bad.
    • Actually we do some things.
    • For instance. in practice on many countries there are big recycling waste facilities that turn gigantic landfills into useful and safe things that people can reuse.
    • But alone it can be insufficient.
    • I reckon we need to change our lifestyle unless it’s not too late.
    • We should use less plastic things or less travel by plane.
    • Instead of using planes we could use fast trains that are not so destroying as planes. we could use more solar or wind energy instead of carbon solar.
    • So, now it’s time to act for saving pur planet because consequences can be really disastrous.