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  • Children’s Recreation in the Volga FD

  • Children’s summer recreation organized by Tatarstan churches was placed in a picturesque area on the bank of the Kama (river).
  • God blessed with a warm weather, children got tanned as if they had been in the south, bathed 2 times a day and ate well.
  • Thank God for the wonderful cook – sister Tansylu!
  • The children did not just have an idle recreation but they got spiritual food as well.
  • This year the program of the children camp was called “Good Samaritan”.
  • They tried to practise charity every day.
  • What does charity mean?
  • It means to be prepared out of compassion to take care for those who need it.
  • It is merciful, benevolent, attentive, careful, loving treatment of another human being.
  • Every morning the children were doing morning exercises cheerfully instructed by trainers.
  • At biblical hours the children were getting to know with “assistance” of the prophet Jonas the merciful character of God and His attitude to all people.
  • God released His great compassion by sending His Son Jesus Christ into the world.
  • The Holy Spirit was sent for every sinner that repents which also shows God’s mercy toward us.
  • The biblical hero called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian, “helped” children to understand that everyone needs the Savior and those who accept Him get born again.
  • We learned the aim the first man had been created for.
  • King Josiah, prophet Jeremiah and Tabitha helped us to understand it.
  • We also analyzed the parable of wheat and tares and learned that there is true and false mercy.
  • A prayer for a sinner is the very beginning of mercy.
  • The parable of Good Samaritan showed how one can release mercy in everyday life.
  • The rich man and Lazarus “told” us about the reward that everyone who does mercy is to receive.
  • We were organizing all-group games in a day theme.
  • Each game contained a spiritual sense.
  • I will tell about one of them.
  • It is called “Plane Crush”.
  • At the morning line the children got to know that there had been a plane crush.
  • They organized groups to look for the people from that plane, also they needed to find a flight recorder, load and documents.
  • The game’s object is to find all affected people and provide assistance to them, and also to find a flight recorder, load and documents.
  • At the evening service, there was staged a little play illustrating the events that had taken place in the plane and the reason it had changed its course.
  • The children learned that the captain had decided to earn a little money, change plane’s course and sell the load.
  • The spiritual sense of the game – God leads us a course to Heaven but sometimes we run off the course, we get attracted by something else, we start thinking too much of ourselves and then comes a crush in our lives if we do not fulfill God’s plan and follow His course.
  • There were played a lot of sport games and relay-races.
  • All of us remembered a funny game called “Pioneerball” (similar to volleyball) with balloons filled with water.
  • It gave so much laughter and fun.
  • Little children with a tutor were holding a cover trying to throw with it a balloon with water over the net in such a way that the opposite team would fail to catch it into their cover and the balloon would fall to the ground and burst.
  • This game teaches team work and unity.
  • What a surprise it was when a balloon burst with its splashes touching not a team but a referee!
  • The referee stood all wet with cheerful teams being dry.
  • The children in their spare time were learning how to make articles out of paper (origami), application over transparent colour film, they knew soap carving.
  • It is necessary that our children could make something useful and beautiful with their own hands.

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