
Text from Maryam1987 - English

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  • Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things.
  • Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it.
    • Discuss both these views and give your own opinion One part of society argues that advertisements have this potential ability to persuade the rest of society to purchase goods, while another part holds the viewpoints that publicity has become commonplace among people.
    • There are rational arguments on both sides of this contentious (controversial) topic which will be discussed in detail, followed by my own take on the matter.
    • On the one hand, some individuals claim that advertising has been remarkably victorious, especially during recent years, based on several compelling reasons.
    • Firstly, promotions are able to attract the attention of citizens who tend to follow advisements on the mass media such as television, satellite, and radio.
    • When advisements broadcast either among TV programs or movies, a directly profound impact on the viewers’ subconscious.
    • When they can influence their mindsets, they are more likely to convince individuals to purchase a number of unnecessary products.
    • Consider an adolescent as an obvious example; who finds new brands of a cell phone by the commercial messages, he would like to buy it, because he supposes that it is not only better than his smartphone but also extremely stylish.
    • Secondly, sponsors of advertisements apply many tricks and catchy slogans to encourage people to be their customers.
    • Thus, these various procedures are used by sponsors to create an exceptional opportunity for advertisements to successfully promote the latest products.
    • On the other hand, a number of people express several national reasons why advertising cannot influence plenty of people’s mindsets.
    • First and foremost, there are a majority of stereotype advertisings in the community that makes them tedious.
    • Simply put, when individuals encounter repetitive promotions raging from ads on billboards to posters on the shopping malls.
    • These repetitive promotions neither absorb nor convince individuals to keep up with their company’s new productions.
    • In fact, the regular sending of advertising messages may create a sense of suspicion among customers who might prefer to either delete or ignore them instead of keeping them for a day at least.
    • Last but not least; many adults tend to consider significant factors such as quality, materials, and durability before buying merchandise.
    • In other words, monitoring product features is the main priority for many people rather than buying products that have been publicized (advertised) in different sources.
    • Therefore, advertising has misplaced its position among citizens who would like to regard other multiple options, and do not attend on the promotions.
    • In conclusion, there are rational arguments on both sides of this controversial subject, however, my firm conviction is that although advertisements have played imperative roles during the last decades, have not been able to induce people to embrace them when offering every single day.


  • Título
  • Frase 1
  • Frase 2
  • Frase 3
    • Discuss both these views and give your own opinion One part of society argues that advertisements have this potential ability to persuade the rest of society to purchase goods, while another part holds the viewpoints that publicity has become commonplace among people.
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    • Discuss both pf these views and give your own opinion:
      One part of society argues that advertisements have th
      ise potential ability to persuade the rest of society to purchase goods, while another part holds the viewpoints that publicity has become commonplace among people.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 3
  • Frase 4
    • There are rational arguments on both sides of this contentious (controversial) topic which will be discussed in detail, followed by my own take on the matter.
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    • There are rational arguments on both sides of this contentious (controversial) topic, which will be discussed in detail, followed by my own take on the matter.
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  • Frase 5
    • On the one hand, some individuals claim that advertising has been remarkably victorious, especially during recent years, based on several compelling reasons.
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    • On the one hand, some individuals claim that advertising has been remarkably victorious, especially during in recent years, based on several compelling reasonfactors.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 5
  • Frase 6
    • Firstly, promotions are able to attract the attention of citizens who tend to follow advisements on the mass media such as television, satellite, and radio.
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    • Firstly, promotions are able to attract the attention of citizens who tend to follow advisements on the mass media such as on television, satellite, and radio.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6
  • Frase 7
    • When advisements broadcast either among TV programs or movies, a directly profound impact on the viewers’ subconscious.
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    • When advisements broadcast either among TV programs or movies, a directlyor in movie theatres, there is a profound impact on the viewers’ subconscious.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 7
  • Frase 8
    • When they can influence their mindsets, they are more likely to convince individuals to purchase a number of unnecessary products.
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    • When they can influence theirpeoples' mindsets, they are more likely to convince individuals to purchase a number of unnecessary productsthings that they don't need.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 8
  • Frase 9
    • Consider an adolescent as an obvious example; who finds new brands of a cell phone by the commercial messages, he would like to buy it, because he supposes that it is not only better than his smartphone but also extremely stylish.
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    • Consider an adolescent as an obvious example; who finds new brands of adiscovers a new cell phone by therand through commercial messages, he woul and like to buy it, because he supposes that it is not only better than his smartphone, but also extremely stylish.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 9ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 9
  • Frase 10
  • Frase 11
    • Thus, these various procedures are used by sponsors to create an exceptional opportunity for advertisements to successfully promote the latest products.
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    • Thus, these various proceduretactics are used by sponsors to create an exceptional opportunityies for advertisements to successfully promote their latest products.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 11
  • Frase 12
    • On the other hand, a number of people express several national reasons why advertising cannot influence plenty of people’s mindsets.
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    • On the other hand, a number of people express several national reasons why advertising cannot influence plenty ofenough peoples' mindsets.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 12ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 12
  • Frase 13
  • Frase 14
  • Frase 15
  • Frase 16
    • In fact, the regular sending of advertising messages may create a sense of suspicion among customers who might prefer to either delete or ignore them instead of keeping them for a day at least.
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    • In fact, the regular sending offrequent advertising messages may create a sense of suspicion among potential customers who might prefer to either delete or ignore them instead of keeping them for a day at least..
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 16ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 16
  • Frase 17
    • Last but not least; many adults tend to consider significant factors such as quality, materials, and durability before buying merchandise.
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    • Last, but not least;, many adults tend to consider significant factors such as quality, materials, and durability before buying any merchandise.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 17ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 17
  • Frase 18
    • In other words, monitoring product features is the main priority for many people rather than buying products that have been publicized (advertised) in different sources.
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    • In other words, monitorscrutinizing product features is the main priority for many people rather than buying products that have been publicized (advertised) infrom different sources.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 18ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 18
  • Frase 19
    • Therefore, advertising has misplaced its position among citizens who would like to regard other multiple options, and do not attend on the promotions.
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    • Therefore, advertising has misplaced its positionelf among citizens who would like to regardtry other multiple options, and do not attdepend on the promotions.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 19ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 19
  • Frase 20
    • In conclusion, there are rational arguments on both sides of this controversial subject, however, my firm conviction is that although advertisements have played imperative roles during the last decades, have not been able to induce people to embrace them when offering every single day.
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    • In conclusion, there are rational arguments on both sides of this controversial subject, h. However, my firm conviction is that although advertisements have played imperativesignificant roles during the last decades, they have not been able to induce people to embrace them when being offeringed every single day. ¶
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