
текст з - English

    • Choice

  • In the first picture I see a man who chanting.
    • He’s carrying a placard with a specific phrase on it.
  • I reckon this man is a protester.
    • He really doesn’t want to abandon his country.
    • On the contrary he wants to achieve his goal - to change the current situation in his country.
    • He wants to accomplish that.
  • Maybe for some people it’s drastic, because they prefer not to be rebellious.
    • But his instinctive reaction is to fight against something that he thinks is wrong.
    • He is not afraid to face difficulties in fighting.
  • He seems to be a fierce protester.
  • In the second picture I see some people who planting trees.
  • There are wearing specific clothes with their company logo.
    • So, I think they work in an official organisation dedicated changing our environment.
    • They probably are concerned about the deforestation problem and they try to rebalance it.
    • Or maybe they are worrying about the atmosphere and they are trying to plant a lot of trees to make the air better.
    • We all know that plants produce oxygene can build the Ozon cover around the Earth.
    • So, the people probably wans to recover the Ozon covery that has a lot of holes now because of many factors.
    • The current weather seems to be very hot, so maybe they plant trees to help people and animal to protect them from the sunrays.
  • They are planting trees along a road.
    • Possibly they want to protect homes which are near the road from harmful car emissions.
    • Or probably they care about greening of their town.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English