
Testo da Kosichka - English

  • A Choice

    • In the picture 1 I see a very busy area.
    • It seems to be a middle of an industrial estate or something like that.
    • I think that a lot of factories which I see in the picture, could be very dangerous to health because of bunches of harmful emissions that go out from the chimneys of those factories.
    • We all know that polluted air can really affect on people’s health.
    • I don’t see any tree or lake or a river.
    • From my perspective life here could be very terrific because of noise from the traffic and those factories.
    • Even for the people who are in those offices it could be really annoying being there.
    • Talking about advantages I could only say that there is an opportunity for people being hired for those firms and earn money for life.
    • In the second picture I see a small area with homes, a few people, some trees and a few cars.
    • There is a big gap between the two pictures.
    • In the background I see a picturesque scenery with a beautiful garden or a park, so I guess people who living in this area, can spend a good time there with their families and kids.
    • I reckon that the life here is more comfortable.
    • The place is really peaceful and restful.
    • I don’t think there is too much noise or traffic here.
  • It seems to be pretty quiet.
    • If I had a choice where to settle down, I would chose this place.
    • Bu t I think there are some disadvantages to live there.
    • For instance, this area cam be remotes from your work.
    • So it can take a lot of time to get to work.