
carolinaPalominos (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

    • 1 Character ”The colour purple”

    • Celie is the protagonist, who goes throught many things since her teenage.
    • Her ”father” abuse her.
    • Even she get pregnant twice but they are taken away.
    • Whe she grow, her father prepared her for marry to a man that wanna to married with her little sister, Nettie.
    • Celie goes to Mr albert’s house where have to take care Mr albert’s children and practically be his employed.
    • That’s where she met many women that make her change her point of view about the world.
    • First is Shug who became a person very important on her life.
    • Second was Sofía who tells her that all her life had to fight with men on her family.
    • Also was there for a while Katie, Mr Albert’s sister, who asked Celie not let her brother trampled.
    • Many women helped her changes her personality and thoughts.

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