angelopaganiniからのテキスト - English

  • Punctuation

    • I project writing some articles about punctuation in Italian language.
  • This text is a little preamble.
    • Punctuation is not a useless decoration: changing the place of a comma can change the meaning of a sentence.
    • So, we have to use it and to do it well.
    • Even for punctuation Aristotle’s rule is good: the best thing is a point between a deficiency and an excess of a trait.
    • Unfortunately that’s easier said than done, believe me.
    • Everyone has his own style and punctuation is part of it.
    • However there are some basic rules.
    • They are defined non only by grammar but, above all, by the need to communicate clearly without boring or discouraging the reader.
    • Too much commas (that’s always my temptation) weigh down the text.
    • Now that I have denounced my weakness, I take the liberty of pointing out those of others as well.
    • First of all the exclamation marks and then ellipsis.
    • Putting an exclamation mark is like raising your voice, putting two is screaming.
    • A series of exclamation marks can be good for an exceptional fact, if it becomes the rule it is like always shouting ”Wolf, wolf”: no one pays any attention.
    • Ellipsis is a good idea: usually three dots, next the previous word and a space before the next one.
  • They are used to indicate astonishment, surprise, uncertainty, hesitation, doubt... or to interrupt a long list.
  • Excessive use of them is like declaring that you have confused ideas.
    • It’s like navigating in an ocean of uncertainty.
    • If, in addition, a few exclamation marks are raised, it ends up looking a lot like a shipwrecked rescue call.
    • It is no coincidence that the excess of ellipsis and exclamation points is typical of young people and novice writers.

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