
Text from rebecca_123 - English

  • A letter 2

    • Sorry for the late reply.
    • Hm, so you have quite difficult time again.
    • I am not very happy to hear that.
    • Also I've been there and know how you feel and what are you going through...
    • It was pretty much the same.
    • So, you are pretty busy in the work.
    • I still have no job.
    • The plantage is waiting for a spring so at the moment I am chilling out.
    • :)) How it called that place you live in?
    • (Maybe I should write to live at...) I think that you should try to accept that the word is not nice just because you measure it toward yourself.
    • I have the same kind of problem if that comforts you.
    • :)) I think it's not necessary to repeat you are always more then welcome to come to Croatia for a visit.
    • I wish you all the best for the Christmas and New Year.