

Text from AlexHope - English

  • Challenge: tell a story using the word ”over”.

    • Sue: Hello, who are talking with me over the mobile phone?
    • Elsa: It’s me, the singer of ”Let it Go”, Elsa!
    • She starts singing ”Let it Go” from Frozen movie, while she laughs at the same time.
    • Sue: I and my friend Jesse are together here and we’ve been thinking about you lately, because you are in quarantine and we need to know if you are healthier.
    • Elsa: You two are amazing friends, unfortunately I’m over-sick and I must stay in home to improve my situation.
    • But I can say you two have made my mind more happy, more optimist.
    • You two always give to me your suport.
    • You know, I’m over 60, I’m not young anymore.
    • But you two made me I feel stamina again and I really enjoy it.
    • Jesse: hello, Elsa.
    • It’s me, Jesse.
    • Our heart are warm due your sweet words for us.
    • We know you are talkative and over-excited about horror books, so we bought some for you.
    • We bought Stephen King, the last release.
  • Elsa: Oh, you two are my best friends.
    • After quaratine, I want to ask you two out.
    • I’m an ancient woman, but my heart is like an unstopable energic kid.
    • Sue: What do you think about we go to the old farm only to bath in waterfall?
  • Remember our childhood place!
    • Jesse: I remember, Elsa gave your first kiss there with a boy from the farm.
    • Elsa: I’ll do it again if I have an oportunity, but I don’t know if he lives there yet and if he is single.
    • Sue: I want to bring back our childhood again, I want to play hide and seek over and over again.
    • And, If we could roll over the gentle slope nowadays.
  • I would be happy.
    • Jesse: Elsa, sorry, but the time flys by.
    • It’s nine o’clock and me and Sue need to watch an online course.
    • Elsa: I want to see you soon, when the quarantine and outbreak ends. Jesse: Me too.
  • Sue: We love you so much!
    • I’m sorry to say goodbye.
  • The phone call ends.