טקסט של - English

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  • Good goals help us to achieve them and stay countable in that way.
    • Without identifying what one wants, by when and how this person or organization going to achieve it, one might end up wander between activities and do no complete and get anything that really matters and desired.
    • As we learn so far, good goals are S-M-A-R-T goals.
    • SMART is an acronym where ”S” trends for specific, which means that goal should be defined in accordance with answers to the Five Ws questions; Who? What? When?Where? Why?.
    • ”M” stands for measurable and means that goal should have some numeric attribute.
    • For example, instead of wishing ” to lose weight” better aiming ” to lose 10 kg by the end of March of 2021”.
    • ”A” in this acronym means that goals should be achievable or attainable; the goal is set with the understanding that one can achieve it.
    • The goal is challenging enough to make one motivated instead of making overwhelmed.
    • In addition, a goal aims to make one’s life better or benefit an organization, such as to increase its profit, enhance customer base, customer loyalty, etc. This means that goals are important to achieve in the nearest future, hence the goal is relevant.
    • It is for what stands ”R” in the SMART acronym.
    • And last but not least factor to keep in mind in order to establish a goal that is SMART - the goal should be time-bounded.
    • Without strict time boundaries in time, with attitude to achieve what’s aimed ”someday” is easy to lose focus and set weekly and daily task without accordions to the important goal, thus it might not be accomplished.
    • This is what for ”T” stands for.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English