
Text from polinazhdanova - English

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    • Stress affects one’s ability to be happy, productive, and healthy.
    • Stress management and its technics are so important to embrace in the modern world where so many factors might cause regular stress such as transportation from home to work, study obligations, family commitments.
    • In my life, the factors causing stress the most are my studies at university, the small business I’m running, and uncertainty about the future in general.
    • I feel like I’m falling behind in my studies, assignments that I hand over are not good enough.
  • I feel like I do not devote enough time to the job that should be done and procrastinate because of the load.
    • In those moments of preparation for a huge task to tackle, also know as procrastination time, I can’t enjoy life, on the opposite, it makes me even more stressed than I was before committing unproductive and unnecessary activities.
  • Additionally, I constantly worry about things that are far away from ”here and now” in the future or think about possible worse case scenarios about everything that might happen someday.
    • Of course, the best way to fight stress is to avoid the situation that caused it.
    • But not all the situations can be avoided or ignored, and not to all of them I can change my attitude or my emotional response.
    • To cope with stress and take control over it I’m going to use some technics: First, I want to adjust my standards.
    • My perfectionism causing a lot of stress and not allowing me to finish a project and move on.
    • Usually, I stuck with redoing a work that should be just done, until I totally disappoint with result that I even don’t want to introduce to the public.
    • Lowing my standards would help me to finish the project I work on and accept the average level of work is satisfactory, so I can do more things and after giving them a try in a real-life and getting feedback, I can think about how to improve the project if it’s really needed.
  • Second, I want to start practicing meditation which might help me to focus on things that should be done now, instead of thinking about the future and simply daydreaming.
  • Doing things with high priority and nearest deadlines will help me to stay on track and finish work on time or even ahead of time, which in turn will help plan ”me time” and other enjoyable activities as a reward for my productivity.
    • Do not allow my procrastination to take control over my life and doing things on time and even ahead of time can help me to lower my stress level and increase my productivity.
    • Third, I want to commit to exercising on a regular daily and weekly basis instead of spontaneous, mood-driven attempts that I’m doing constantly.
    • Regular physical activity will help me to develop more hormones of joy on a biological level, which in turn will help reduce stress and improve the quality of my life and my physical condition


  • Título
  • Frase 1
  • Frase 2
    • Stress management and its technics are so important to embrace in the modern world where so many factors might cause regular stress such as transportation from home to work, study obligations, family commitments.
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    • Stress management and its technics are so important to embrace in the modern world where so many factors might cause regular stress such as transportation from home to work, study obligations, and family commitments.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 2
  • Frase 3
    • In my life, the factors causing stress the most are my studies at university, the small business I’m running, and uncertainty about the future in general.
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    • In my life, the factors causing stress the most are my studies at university, the small business I'm running, and uncertainty about the future in general.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 3
  • Frase 4
  • Frase 5
  • Frase 6
    • In those moments of preparation for a huge task to tackle, also know as procrastination time, I can’t enjoy life, on the opposite, it makes me even more stressed than I was before committing unproductive and unnecessary activities.
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    • In those moments of preparation for a huge task to tackle, also know asing to tackle a huge task, I continue to procrastination time, e and I can’t enjoy life, on the opposite. Also, it makes me even more stressed than I was before when I’m unnecessarily committing to unproductive and unnecessaryrelated activities.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6
  • Frase 7
    • Additionally, I constantly worry about things that are far away from ”here and now” in the future or think about possible worse case scenarios about everything that might happen someday.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 7
  • Frase 8
  • Frase 9
    • But not all the situations can be avoided or ignored, and not to all of them I can change my attitude or my emotional response.
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    • But not all the situations can be avoided or ignored, and not to all of them I can change my attitude or my emotional response toward.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 9ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 9
  • Frase 10
  • Frase 11
  • Frase 12
    • Usually, I stuck with redoing a work that should be just done, until I totally disappoint with result that I even don’t want to introduce to the public.
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    • Usually, I get stuck with redoing a work that should behave been just done, until I totfinally fully disappointed with the results that I even don't want to introduce it to the public.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 12ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 12
  • Frase 13
    • Lowing my standards would help me to finish the project I work on and accept the average level of work is satisfactory, so I can do more things and after giving them a try in a real-life and getting feedback, I can think about how to improve the project if it’s really needed.
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    • Lowering my standards would help me to finish the project I work on and accept thewhat the satisfactory average level of work is satisfactory, so I can do more things and a. After giving them a try in a real-life and getting feedback, I can think about how to improve the project if it's really needed.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 13ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 13
  • Frase 14
    • Second, I want to start practicing meditation which might help me to focus on things that should be done now, instead of thinking about the future and simply daydreaming.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 14ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 14
  • Frase 15
    • Doing things with high priority and nearest deadlines will help me to stay on track and finish work on time or even ahead of time, which in turn will help plan ”me time” and other enjoyable activities as a reward for my productivity.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 15ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 15
  • Frase 16
    • Do not allow my procrastination to take control over my life and doing things on time and even ahead of time can help me to lower my stress level and increase my productivity.
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    • DoI should not allow my procrastination to take control over my life and d. Doing things on time and even ahead of time can help me to lower my stress level and increase my productivity.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 16ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 16
  • Frase 17
    • Third, I want to commit to exercising on a regular daily and weekly basis instead of spontaneous, mood-driven attempts that I’m doing constantly.
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    • Third, I want to commit to exercising on a regular daily and weekly basis instead of spontaneous, mood-driven attempts that I'm doing constantly.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 17ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 17
  • Frase 18
    • Regular physical activity will help me to develop more hormones of joy on a biological level, which in turn will help reduce stress and improve the quality of my life and my physical condition
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    • Regular physical activity will help me to develop more hormones of joy on a biological level, which in turn will help reduce stress and improve the quality of my life and my physical condition
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 18ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 18