
AntonioFisk szövege - English

  • Access card (Mother tongue corrections only, please)

  • From this semester students will need an access card for using the Foreign Language Lab.
    • The access card is 10 dollars, can be and has to be purchased at the entrance.
    • The woman maynly disagree with this decision.
    • Money from cards will be used to renovate the lab, but she says that Pcs doens’ t need repairing, as they were already fine.
    • In fact she had no problem using them.
    • Instead, the Foreign Langiage Lab needs new computers, as it’ s always crowded and sometimes there’ s not as computes as students.
  • She also says that there are only tutors for the most common languages.
    • There are no tutors for less commn languages such as portoguese, chinese and so on.
  • Moreover, she doesn’t understand why they should pay for a card to use computers in the lab.