AntonioFiskからのテキスト - English

  • Having people around you vs. Spending your time alone

  • I prefer having people around me during my free time.
  • I would’ t like spending my time alone.
  • I wouldn’ t know what to do and I would find it very boring.
  • I usually study by myself, and I am often alone at home, as my parents like travelling.
  • Being at home alone is very depressing.
  • At least in the evening I need to go out and meet my friends.
  • I don’ t mind what we do.
  • Spending my time talking with friends is enough for me to have fun.
  • Once my parents went to Canada, and left me alone at home for a month.
  • My parents didn’ t want other people at home, and I was not allowed to host my friends at home during the night.
  • I couldn’ t stand being alone at home doing nothing.
  • After a few days I invited some friends at home without saying anything to my parents.
  • We also organized some parties, and we had a lot of fun.
  • If I hadn’ t invited my friends, I would have got crazy.
  • I can’ t understand people who like being alone.
  • They like watching films and playing videogames.
  • I think they don’ t have a social life.
  • They should try to go out more and get to know more people.

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English