טקסט של - English

  • sentences

    • the lives of public figures are far from easy, deprived the privacy, even the trackes of some trivial matters would be hyped by the median.
    • the cartoon for kids should be censored seriously preventing the unhealthy parts from effecting children potentially.
  • i like the cast of hotel babylon because they have varity accents and characteristics because of advanced technologies, internet becoming widely available, telecommunication, albeit convenient, brings some problems.
  • all fields are breaking new ground, thus promoting the development of socity.
  • scientific breakthroughs are regarded as the most important factor in enhancing productivity.
    • only can we recognise our dependency on the telecommunications when they faild to work.
  • genetic engineering and manned mission mean technology has achieved other peak.
  • teachers always complain weekends destroy the hard-won correction on some behaviors established in weekday

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English