
Poruka od Mxmachine - English

    • The story I made; Your Parents Sometime Are Toxic.

    • Your parents sometime are toxic.
    • Your parents also may be toxic for you that's because of their bad behaviour.
    • As a normally human they can be a good and bad, some of them are bad some of them are good so don't think that they were the same between a parents to parents.
  • We know human are not all have a good behaviour so that also your parents.They were lucky who have a good parents but some of kid doesn't have a good parents behaviour.
  • But what they can do; nothing they can do; they can't change their parents, some time the kid can't grow they potential that's only because of their parents didn't support them.
  • What the parents decide that change the a whole life of kids and future.
  • Doesn't get a support from parents it also makes the kid got frustrated because the kid can't do nothing without the parents support, the solution is a kid should have their own money to achieve what they want because in this case; parents didn't give any money to support; to have their own money the kid will thing that they should have to work.
  • That situation push him to work.
  • In this situation the kid already drop out from the school a long time ago.
  • And some of kids doesn't know how to deal with this situation and it makes the relationship between parents and kid far away each other and not good to face each other.
    • I think that happens because some some parents doesn't have a knowledge to deal with the kid, so that also the kid.
    • And it happens because they were married in a low age (-17years old) that's why they can't handle the family and the financial needed even though they now they are be an old parents.
    • They has a low financial and it is not enough to bring the home bacon and it effects for kid life; they were life in poor house and mostly some of parents have a lot of kids.
    • Same as other kids they need the same stuff like a computer and headphone etc. But they parents can't able to give a such a things to their kids; they can't able to give a comfortable life.
    • The parents who fails to recover their kids life and field to be a good parents. Thank you!