
Texto de Gabriel_Ivanov - English

  • How we communicate with others

  • The way we communicate is from big importance to us and to the others.
  • The communication is not happening only with our words, but with our bodies, the way we move, the way we look, the way we speak and many other little details which we don't really pay attention to, but they still play a very fundamental role in how others see and accept us.
  • Actually the truth is that when somebody meets you for the first time, his mind will judge you not by what you will say, but by the way you say it, your voice while you're saying it, if you look them in the eyes when you are talking to them, the way you stand in front of them etc. So sometimes instead of always thinking what to say we may be should pay some more attention to the the details I described above and of course first of all we have to act like ourselves and then from this starting point to develop our act of behavior :)

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English

  • Título
  • Sentença 1
  • Sentença 2
    • The communication is not happening only with our words, but with our bodies, the way we move, the way we look, the way we speak and many other little details which we don't really pay attention to, but they still play a very fundamental role in how others see and accept us.
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    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 2Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 2
  • Sentença 3
    • Actually the truth is that when somebody meets you for the first time, his mind will judge you not by what you will say, but by the way you say it, your voice while you're saying it, if you look them in the eyes when you are talking to them, the way you stand in front of them etc. So sometimes instead of always thinking what to say we may be should pay some more attention to the the details I described above and of course first of all we have to act like ourselves and then from this starting point to develop our act of behavior :)
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    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 3Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 3