
Tekst fra - English

  • Performing in public

  • My most important experience about speaking in public was when I graduated.
  • The day before my graduation I was very nervous and I couldn’t help worrying for that.
  • I had to discuss about my thesis and what it was about, so I wrote down a short script of my speech, I first read it many times and then I tried to talk without looking at it.
  • That day there were a group of professors in front of me and a lot of people in class, listening to the candidates, making photos, talking to each other and many other things that could distract me, I wanted to tell them off for making so much noise, but I didn’t.
  • There were also my family and my friends, waiting for my turn.
  • I worn a blue shirt, a green tie and grey pants.
  • My look was quite original if compared to the ones of my collegues, who all wore a classic black suit.
  • During my speech I had also to show to the professors a power point presentation which shown my thesis and the results I had obtained at the end of the work.
  • There was also a video, but it suddenly stopped working and I went on to the other slides without taking care of it.
  • Fortunately, I was able to focus on the talk and my speech was very good and clear, the professors enjoyed it and my performance had been a success.
    • I felt very proud of me, my friends and my classmates went on to me to congratulate of me for my performance.
  • We celebrate the graduation just outside the class with my other collegues, we were almost all satisfied and so very happy.

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