
Texto de vaness182 - English

  • Today.

  • Today is December 18th, this time It was beans, and rice and pone.
    • Throughout from day, I visited my aunts and we ate cookies for christmas holidays, Xiomy acompanied me.
    • The Friday for first time, we will be able to travel for see the sea together.
    • Always Xiomy challenge me, for example, whom jumps more the rope, or things like.
    • Well, I like play with Xiomy quietly, I like play on the computer, or in the street, or her belly.
    • Xiomy is very dreamer, I very serious, I think that she and me has a good relationship for that.
    • She ever is very funny and playful.
    • Tomorrow, I think that we are going to buy the presents for Christmas, But I don't know what buy.
    • My brother is very irritating with the presents.

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English