
نص من - English

    • Story about my english learning - to be continued...

    • When I was child i had some english classes but obviously they gave me only the base of language.
    • Now I'm trying to learn by myself watching tv series in english subtitled in italian ( I know, I have to read subtitles in english, could be more useful! ).
    • I'm also reading a book in english "Into the wild" by Jon Krakauer.
    • Actually it's my second book but the first one was very simple.
    • This book is very hard to read for me, it's full of new words, specific words like trees name or adjectives to describe scenery that I never heard before.
    • Nevertheless it's a really intense true story and I loved the movie so I guess I'll enjoy the book.

رجاءً ساعدهم في تصحيح كل جملة - English