
Text from Ekaterina-Ekaterina - English

    • The first experienced of writing

    • By nature i’m the winner.
    • And one day i realized why my life is so gray.
    • I haven’t do anything for be the winner.
    • I haven’t do anything for self-develop.
    • One day I found a man who talked about human behavior, about self-realization, about relationships, about happiness.
  • Listening to him, I found some answers to my questions.
    • Than i think about my life, about my future.
    • I’m only 20 years old and in that moment i decided that it’s time to change something.
  • Now i have some goals, some dreams and what’s important - i have motivation and great desire to bring it all into reality.
    • Sometimes I have such bad days when everything goes wrong and didn’t want to do anything but in these days it’s necessary to find the strength to keep going up the stairs to your dreams and goals.
    • I believe that if a person really wants something and do everything for this - it’ll come to him.
  • Believe in yourself