
Tekst fra - English

    • military course for universities student

    • i am a university student. and this is my last year before being graduated . there is a new military subject has been added recently and we have to both study and get succeed in it to receive our certificate from the university .i have started to study this subject 8 days ago and i still have more 3 days to get to the final exam .i am quiet worried but at the same time have the enough confidence in myself that i am going to pass it successfully .

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  • Sætning 1
    • i am a university student. and this is my last year before being graduated . there is a new military subject has been added recently and we have to both study and get succeed in it to receive our certificate from the university .i have started to study this subject 8 days ago and i still have more 3 days to get to the final exam .i am quiet worried but at the same time have the enough confidence in myself that i am going to pass it successfully .
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    • i am a universitycollege student. and this is my last year before being graduated . there is a new military subject which has been added recently and we have to both study and get succeeddo well in it to receive our certificate from the university .i have started to study this subject 8 days ago and i still have more 3 days to get toprepare for the final exam .i am quiete worried but at the same time i have the enough confidence in myself that i am going to pass it successfully .
    • i am a university student. and this is my last year before being graduated . there is aing. A new military subject has been added recently and w. We have to both study and get succeed inpass it to receive our certificate from the university .i have. I started to studying this subject 8 days ago, and iI still have more 3 days to get too before the final exam .i. I am quiete worried, but at the same time have the enough confidence in myself that i am going to pass it successfully I am confident that i will pass it.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 1Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 1