
netomarcus'den mesaj - English

  • Craftsman II

    • For more than a century now, America has being leading the world when the subject is movies and its film industry workers are the most skilled in the field.
    • So are the colleges.
    • I will not give up of made movies.
  • That is what I choose to do and this is what I am going to do, no matter how much money or instruction I have.
    • However, I think I can be a better filmmaker if I work hard on the skills a filmmaker must have to be succesful.
    • It is time (and always was) to think how to transform the film business in Brazil in something of quality and profitable.
    • There is an incredible huge audience craving for movies which are about Brazil, with Brazilians characters, but movies that can also entertain them, make them cry, make them scream scared, make them love and hate at the same time.
    • I want to go to America and study screenwriting in the best school possible because I want to be able to do best movies I can.
    • This is not because I believe I am some kind of an inspired artists, but rather because I see myself as craftsman who wants to do the best of his craft.
    • I want to do good movies because the audience deserves this.

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