
Tekst fra - English

  • my day

  • hi..Today thursday ..nothing specal has happened the morning I helped my mom with housework and as always she shout at me that I am lazy and naughty and I've difficult character(she think so) Now i'm going to jog despite on cold weather ...bye- bye

Venligst hjælp med at rette hver en sætning! - English

  • Sætning 1
    • hi..Today thursday ..nothing specal has happened the morning I helped my mom with housework and as always she shout at me that I am lazy and naughty and I've difficult character(she think so) Now i'm going to jog despite on cold weather ...bye- bye
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    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 1Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 1