
siili'den mesaj - English

    • Our journey. Preparing. Part 1.

    • At the begining of the year Norsu and i decided ride to Europe by motorcycle.
  • We plotted a route through seven countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
  • It was about 5000 kilometers long.
  • To realize this trip i had to prepare our motorcycle because in the last season i fell down on it and it was scratched.
    • I could not suppose to ride by ugly motorcylce in beautiful Europe, so i decided to cover it by gold vinyl.
    • I removed all the plastic details from it and took it home.
    • There Norsu and I covered each details by the vinyl.
  • It was very difficult at first but with some practice we could do it well.
  • When i put all the details back, my motorcycle looks like a new one.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English