text de la - English

    • one more time about pizza

    • Yesterday we decided to do a pizza.
    • We came back to home after walking exactly before a hard storm.
    • And started cook.
    • We made a pastry, but forgot about one ingredient.
    • It wasn't important and we continued.
    • After that we found out that we havn't any tomato sause and changed it by cheese sause.
    • But that was not all!
    • Unexpectedly Siili found out that there wasn't any sausage or bacon or meat.
    • So, he wanted to used a chop.
    • But this chop had been living in his refrigerator a week and it was suspected.
    • But Siili didn't want to eat vegetarian pizza.
    • And we could not to go to a shop because there was a hard storm (we are very lazy).
    • But Siili have a brain (I have too, but I keep it for one important moment) and he thought cook pizza with a meat from ravioli.
    • He warmed ravioli, broke them, reached meat and we got a wonderful pizza!

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