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  • Many elderly people are no long looked after by their families but are put in care homes or nursing homes.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
  • The today machine life, young adults work over time so they do not have free time to look after their parents or grandparents.
  • In this situation, some families decide to send their elderly parents to nursing homes because they are not able to take care of them.
  • In these places, aged people get adequate foods, attention and care.
  • However living in the care homes have some benefits involved in this trend, the drawbacks accruing to them are by no means negligible.
  • On the plus side, some families put aged members of family to care homes because they think that in care homes there are a number of advantages for aged people.
  • Firstly, in these places are provided enough foods and medicine to the elderly people.
  • Secondly, aged people are able to make some contemporary friends and they can play chess, talk, share their opinions to each other and other activities so they never been alone and upset and they can take suitable and enough care.
  • However, the downside cannot be ignored.
  • One major problem is that aged people spent the golden years of their life for kids so they expect to care and support of them in old age.
  • But when aged people are isolated suddenly from their family, friends and neighborhood it can make them feel lonely and depression because they feel that, children do not like them and losing honor and respect.
  • This happen is very dangerous for them because their emotion damage and nobody is able to fill their families' gap.
  • To conclude; despite all the advantages of care homes are for an aging population, they require more love from their family.
  • If they live with their family they are able to attain self-confidence again so they never get sick and ill easy and their life expectancy improves and they can be happy and lucky.

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