
55elena_jv'den mesaj - English

    • oh, this unstable weather

    • This sultry card is opposite what we have now in my city.
    • The weather is really bad this days, temperature is about +5C, the wind is 5-7 m/s and on the sky is a sea of grey clouds.
    • But is was not always, last weekend were great - the sun was shining, the temperature was +17C, the beach full of people, who even was sunburning.
    • I don't like this instability of the weather and would like to live in more warm place, like location of this zebras.
    • Once I've already moved from Siberia, I thouhgt Kaliningrad is warmer, and it is in the winter, but now it isn't enough and I'm thinking about Crimea.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English