
sarah789456123'den mesaj - English

    • holidays

    • My journey in Spain iwas beautiful, deux years ago.
    • The sun is shinning and it is never rain.
    • I discover a lot of place like the "sagrada familia". It was fun.
    • I walk around the capital Barcelone.
    • I see many buildings, garden and people.
    • I was amazing to see the important numbers of people who uses moto to go to work.
    • I have never seen that.
    • Even at Paris it was not as much moto as barcelone.
    • Of course, it is more dangerous than the car. To my mind.
    • I wonder if it is always like that.
    • Maybe today there are more bicycle or pieton.
    • I think that since i went to barcelone, this city have change. I know never.
    • Nothing is immobil.
    • The things change.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English