
Text from TheKatarinaNews - English

  • Background of the study

  • Emotions and feelings play a crucial role in everyone's thinking.
  • They allow you to determine the state, as well as to understand the importance and influence of external influences that cause various emotions.
  • One of the basic and most important emotions is fear.
  • Fear accompanies the whole life of a person, acting as a fundamental component of behavior, determines the content of the individual and his life path, so this study will be addressed to the personality of the famous rebel Yemelyan Pugachev, his life was subject to many fears that pushed him on the path of imposture and thus forever inscribed his figure in the milestones of Russian history.
  • The relevance of studying the fears of Yemelyan Pugachev is due to their role in his life with all the ensuing consequences.
  • Purpose and objectives (problem statement): Previous historiographical studies were generally biographical, while the fears that accompanied Yemelyan Pugachev were not given due attention.
  • It was his fears that pushed him to take the path of imposture.
  • The main purpose of the proposed study is to reconstruct the fears of E. I.
  • Pugachev on the basis of the investigation materials: his interrogations, the testimony of colleagues and associates.
  • Within the framework of this goal, the following tasks should be performed: 1.
  • Compare the testimony of E.
  • Pugachev with the testimony of his associates, revealing the fact of deception; 2.
  • Find out what fears Pugachev was exposed to before the uprising, and what during it; 3.
  • Consider how his fears were transformed; 4.
  • To analyze the artistic image of E.
  • Pugachev in various works;