
Text from andre_feli2 - English

    • What I learned with my mistakes.

    • I had never thought why anything happened how I wanted when I reflected about my professional and personal life and realized that there weren’t effective strategies and tactics in my goals.
    • So I have been working on that ever since.
    • As a consequence of much study I understood the conception of these words.
    • Now I can say that strategy is basically the plans that will help you to achieve goals, and tactics are the step-by-step methods you use to accomplish a plan, and also how important are to know all of them conception, exemplified in a sentence that my professor, Liam, told to me “they are in fact, interdependent on each other.
    • You cannot develop plans without a strategy, or tactics without a plan.” There are also possible list a parallel to professional life with the concept of business plan and strategic plan, that have the same idea of strategy and tactics, while strategic plan includes a detailed action plan for the next few years, on the other hand business plan define where you want to take your business.
  • But independently the way that I used it I would active better results if I had included a SWOT analysis and reevaluate before, because with checkpoint, assessment and feedback that meaning consecutively; to stop for a verification, a method for analyzing and how well or how badly is doing something I could understand what are wrong faster, because of that they are so important to me.
    • Obviously I took part in projects that outcomes were not as expected.
    • One of them was when I wanted to buy a new company, first I had planned to save money every month and made proposal one the end of the last year.
    • On the otherwise I only become a partner because some partner didn’t accept my offer.
  • When I was making my presentation I realize that I must have forgotten to check if everyone would have been prepared to sell the company and as a consequence of that the result would be different that I expected, but if I had planned I should have made a revaluation how I said before with checkpoint, assessment and feedback that there aren’t in my plans making them not clear and with unachievable goal.
    • To get frustrated also is the reason a lot of people doesn’t achieve success, based on that I have concluded that is extremely important to know that we are moving forward to feeling enthusiastic and continuous the project.
  • I have been making list of complete plans and it is how I visualize that I am moving forward.
    • Unless you have a better solution you should start to do this too.


  • Título
  • Frase 1
    • I had never thought why anything happened how I wanted when I reflected about my professional and personal life and realized that there weren’t effective strategies and tactics in my goals.
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    • I had never thought of why anysomething happened howdid not happen the way I wanted w. When I reflected abouton my professional and personal life and, I realized that there weren’t effective strategies and tactics into achieve my goals.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 1ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 1
  • Frase 2
  • Frase 3
  • Frase 4
    • Now I can say that strategy is basically the plans that will help you to achieve goals, and tactics are the step-by-step methods you use to accomplish a plan, and also how important are to know all of them conception, exemplified in a sentence that my professor, Liam, told to me “they are in fact, interdependent on each other.
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    • Now I can say that strategy is basically the plans that will help you to achieve goals, and tactics are the step-by-step methods you use to accomplish a plan, and also how important are to know all of them conception, exemplified in a sentence that my professor, Liam, told to me “me that they are in fact, interdependent on each other.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 4ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 4
  • Frase 5
    • You cannot develop plans without a strategy, or tactics without a plan.” There are also possible list a parallel to professional life with the concept of business plan and strategic plan, that have the same idea of strategy and tactics, while strategic plan includes a detailed action plan for the next few years, on the other hand business plan define where you want to take your business.
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    • You cannot develop plans without a strategy, or tactics without a plan.”¶
      There are also possible list a parallel to professional life with the concept of business plan and strategic plan, that have the same idea of strategy and tactics, while strategic plan includes a detailed action plan for the next few years, on the other hand business plan define where you want to take your business.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 5
  • Frase 6
    • But independently the way that I used it I would active better results if I had included a SWOT analysis and reevaluate before, because with checkpoint, assessment and feedback that meaning consecutively; to stop for a verification, a method for analyzing and how well or how badly is doing something I could understand what are wrong faster, because of that they are so important to me.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6
  • Frase 7
  • Frase 8
    • One of them was when I wanted to buy a new company, first I had planned to save money every month and made proposal one the end of the last year.
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    • One of them was when I wanted to buy a new company, f. Firstly, I had planned to save money every month and made a proposal oneat the end of the last year.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 8
  • Frase 9
  • Frase 10
    • When I was making my presentation I realize that I must have forgotten to check if everyone would have been prepared to sell the company and as a consequence of that the result would be different that I expected, but if I had planned I should have made a revaluation how I said before with checkpoint, assessment and feedback that there aren’t in my plans making them not clear and with unachievable goal.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 10ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 10
  • Frase 11
    • To get frustrated also is the reason a lot of people doesn’t achieve success, based on that I have concluded that is extremely important to know that we are moving forward to feeling enthusiastic and continuous the project.
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    • To get fFrustratedion is also is the reason why a lot of people doesn’ not achieve success, based on that. Therefore, I have concluded that is extremely important to know that we areremind myself that I am moving forward tso that I feeling enthusiastic andenough to continuouse the project.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 11
  • Frase 12
  • Frase 13