text de la - English


    • I admire a lot of people, but I think that one could be Socrates, because for me he was one of the first teachers.
    • Recently, I had read a book about his life and it was really interesting.
    • He was a great men.
    • He was honest, intelligent, just… to sum up, a good person.
    • Not only this but also he was a great politician.
    • Despite the time in which he lived, many of the things he said are important now.
    • In addition, other thing that I admire of Socrates is the way that he teach.
    • He asked his apprentices questions and they learned to think.
    • Also, he asked questions to other politicians that were not good and he made them to look ridiculous.
    • I admire a lot of people, but I think that one could be Mireia Belmonte.
  • She is a swimmer.
  • She has won a lot of medals.
    • But for me, the best of Mireia is that she is a very worker women.
    • While she is competing she is studying at university.
    • She trains a lot of hours a day.
  • She is very tenacious.
    • So she has made many sacrifices to be so good at swimming.
    • Also, she is studying new swimming techniques.
    • I have never met a famous person I am not a fan of many people.
    • I have been in two or three concerts in my life and in my city there aren’t famous people.
    • The closest I’ve ever been to meet a famous was when I was a child, in Madrid.
    • My family and I went to Madrid to see musicals.
    • The first day, we was having breakfast in our hotel when a lot of people come to have breakfast too.
    • Everybody was wearing a black clothes.
    • At the evening my family and I went to see a musical called “Hoy no me puedo levantar” in English “Today I can’t get up”.
    • Then we realized that the people dressed in black who had breakfast with us were the actors of the musical.
    • I think that normally the celebrities earn a lot of money.
    • I think that this is not bad, if they work for earned, like an actor or singer.
    • But I disagree with famous who doesn’t work a lot.
    • I suppose that in your country there are this kind of famous too.
    • People who works criticising other, shouting other, making shows in public or selling their privates lives.
    • I think that this kind of famous earn too much money.
    • First of all, I think that a lot of famous people don’t chose be famous, like actors or singers, be famous is something that is add to their job.
    • The advantages of being famous are that people recognises their good job and they receive a lot of congratulations.
  • I think they have the opportunity of do more things than the people who aren’t famous.
    • They normally earn much money and they work in something that they like.
    • But I think that being famous have disadvantages too.
    • They find difficult to have a private life.
    • Everything that they do is tried.
    • So, if they commit an error, everybody will know it.
  • They must be happy and polite, with their fans, every time, even if they have a bad day.

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