
Tekst fra - English

    • End worlds..

    • Today is December 13th, thursday, at morning, I woke up cuz I thought that yesterday December 12th the world end, smile.
    • Yesterday night I talk with Xiomy all night until dawn, because I feel very tired.
    • Today, I woke up while thought: "Xiomy, today I will give a present" then, now, I make the bubbles (a powerpuff girl) on polystyrene.
    • Bubbles are the favorite for Xiomy.
    • While I made these, Xiomy arrived to my home with violet eyes.
    • I felt surprised, and I said her: show me your eyes, and she looked to my eyes and I saw her eyes.
    • Later, almost six o'clock, we going to get together with Vivi and Karolette to made a slumber party.

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