
Texto de Zaida7 - English

  • In remembrance of my neighbor

    • A few days ago I was doing the cleaning and organizing all the documents when I found the ancient album of my family.
    • There, I could find the photos of my mother and my dad when I and Bob, my brother, were little.
  • While I was looking over the family album I felt homesick.
    • It has been two years the last time I had seen my mother because of the distance.
    • I said it to my husband and we decided to return to the city where I have lived almost all my childhood and my youth.
    • We installed at my mother's house, it was equal as years before.
    • It was really delighted to be again in the home where I grew up.
    • My mother told me the changes occurred the time I have been away.
  • However, I knew that she wanted to tell me something, but she didn't dare to say it.
    • I insisted on her to tell me, and I get shocked when I knew about the death of Susan, our old neighbor.
    • Susan has been one of the most important people in my life.
    • At the age of thirteen, my father passed to a better life.
    • She looked after Bob and me as my mother had to work for giving us everything we need.
  • It was really tough, but thanks to her we could get ahead.
    • She treated us as their children as she had never had the opportunity to have their own.
    • A few days ago I was doing the cleaning and organizing all the documents when I found the ancient album of my family.
    • There, I could find the photos of my mother and my dad when I and Bob, my brother, were little.
  • While I was looking over the family album I felt homesick.
    • It has been two years the last time I had seen my mother because of the distance.
    • I said it to my husband and we decided to return to the city where I have lived almost all my childhood and my youth.
    • We installed at my mother's house, it was equal as years before.
    • It was really delighted to be again in the home where I grew up.
    • My mother told me the changes occurred the time I have been away.
  • However, I knew that she wanted to tell me something, but she didn't dare to say it.
    • I insisted on her to tell me, and I get shocked when I knew about the death of Susan, our old neighbor.
    • Susan has been one of the most important people in my life.
    • At the age of thirteen, my father passed to a better life and she looked after I and my Bob as my mother had to work for giving us everything we need.
  • It was hard, but thanks to her we could get ahead.
    • She treated us as their children cause she had never had the opportunity to have their owns.
  • Susan had died from a heart attack.
    • My mother told that the day of the funeral only had attended herself, one of her two brothers of my neighbor, and some of the friends that she had in the neighbourhood.
    • I would like to be there, but my mother didn't want to give me that new when they were about to promote me in the company.
    • In addition, she had left one letter for me.
    • Apparently, she knew that her health wasn't very good and she had written it for me after she died.

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