
Сообщение от magosiami - English

  • assay- studding aboard

  • Nowadays it is more common to study abroad.
  • This fact it cause by easier possibility to continue study in different country than few years ago.
  • But is the arival from own country truelly good option?
  • A lot of people are against and put a numerous disadvantages to improve that.
  • The other part of community deeply aprove and support this opportunities.
  • In this paper I will try to anserw of the question that advantages overveigh disadvantages.
  • Firsly I had to agree that this kind of arival is good posibility to improve communications skills.
  • Especially if in choosen country official language is difrrent than in our own country.
  • In my opion it does not exist better option to learn leanguage than use it all the time.
  • Not only it improve vocabulary but it also allowed to use this language more fluently.
  • Secondly long kind of trip allows to look different culture.
  • It is good posibility to meet new interesting people and also make a relationship for even rest of life.
  • Finally studing abroad is brilliant way to become more independent.
  • During the studing visitors would have tomake a lots of documentary, find flat, prepare food and organiased all his day.
  • I think I is bit challaging for youngling, but it also preapare him to mature life.
  • The other hand we couldn't forget about minuses of that big decision.
  • I am not convinced that this kind of trip is dedicated for everyone.
  • Some kind of people just can't stand be so far from their friends and familly.
  • I am fully understand of that.
  • And this aspect of perosnality should be entertaily thinging by student.
  • Moveover a lot of people think that sometimes stuing abroad is too much chalange.
  • In my point of view even a young person make some mistake it is a good way to learn somethink for future.
  • As I presented it is a lot of point of views disagreed and agreed with studing aborad.
  • I truelly belived that even a few disoportunities studing aborad is very worthy but It depends also of personality.
  • So surely this kind of decidion should be taken inpependently.

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