
Tekst fra - English

    • My city

    • Hi, I'm from Valencia, Spain.
  • I live in Valencia.
    • For me, this city is fantastic.
    • I have lived all my life here and I hope that in a future too.
  • The weather in Valencia is good, because almost every day it's sunny.
  • In the winter, it isn't usually cold.
    • In the summer, if you are here, you can go to the famous beach, la Malvarrosa, where thousand of person to swim in the sea, to play football and volley, to walk and to sunbathe.
    • If you don't like beach and sun, you can enjoy of the Valencia's centre.
    • You can walk by their beautiful streets and squares.
    • Also, if you are tired and need a rest, you can lie down in the gardens of Turia River.

Venligst hjælp med at rette hver en sætning! - English