
Tekst fra - English

  • Kiki

    • Kiki is one of the stupidest challenges ever attempted on the the facebook If you wanna make people do something stupid And showed them as dump Try to convince them and say ( it just challenge ) Do something stupid and called it challenge

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  • Sætning 1
    • Kiki is one of the stupidest challenges ever attempted on the the facebook If you wanna make people do something stupid And showed them as dump Try to convince them and say ( it just challenge ) Do something stupid and called it challenge
      Stem nu!
    • Kiki is one of the most stupidest challenges ever attempted on the the fFacebook.
      If you wannat to make people do something stupid
      and showedprove that themy asre dump ¶
      b, try to convince them andby say ( iting "it is just a challenge ) ¶
      ". Do something stupid and called it a challenge.
    • Kiki is one of the stupiddumbest challenges ever attempted on the the fFacebook.
      If you wanna maket people to do something stupid
      and showed themy asre dump ¶
      b then try to convince them and say ( it just challenge ) ¶
      Do something stupid and called it
      it's a challenge.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 1Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 1