Yasamifからのテキスト - English

    • Honey production process

    • Bees and the way that they make honey are incredible.the flowers that contain sweet nectar attract bees while they are flying on the lands.
    • First they land on the blossoms and suck in the sugary juice called nectar from the flower and store it in a second stomach named honeystomach.they will fly back to the apiary when they filled their lengthy tongue called proboscis.
    • When they arrived at the hive they will give the saved nectar to the Worker Bees mouth to mouth.Worker bees chew it about half an hour until it turns to honey.
    • They save it in waxy honeycomb cells which are like Tiny containers.
    • However the Honey is almost wet,so the bees will dry it and make it more sticky by flapping their Wings.
    • Finally the honey is ready and Bees will cover the cells by wax to keep it pure and clean.

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