
Text från Marrrryam - English

    • It's a process essay. Please help me to correct it.

    • Frogs go through a life cycle that contains five stages.
    • The first stage of a frog's life begins with fertilized eggs.
    • The eggs are laid in the calm water especially in a pond.
    • To our amazement, eggs don't have a hard shell, and they are usually covered with a jellylike substance that acts like a protective coating.
    • The size, shape, color and also the jelly substance of the eggs vary in different species.
    • After about three weeks, the eggs will hatch and very tiny creatures will appear that are called tadpolet.
    • Hatching out of the eggs depend on the kind of frog and water temperature.
  • If the water is warmer, they'll come out sooner.
    • At this stage, it looks more like a fish than a frog and consists of a tail, mouth and external gills which it breathes through.
  • Furthermore, it feeds on plants, algae and the other tadpoles.
    • As a tadpole grows, lungs begin to develop so that it will be able to breathe out of the water when it becomes an adult frog.
    • In addition, its hind legs mature bit by bit at eight weeks.
    • Now it can leap around instead of only swimming.
    • In spite of getting the signs of a frog, it still has a very long tail.
    • In the next stage, tadpole with the hind legs turn into froglet.
    • The froglet continue to grow, and its front legs start to sprout gradually.
    • However, its long tail shrinks.
    • In this stage, it will be able to leave the water, but it's too small.
    • Moreover, its eyes and mouth turns to be larger.
    • Finally, the froglet becomes a frog when the tail is completely absorbed by its body, and it commences eating insects instead of plants.
    • Also it's ready to inhabit on land.
    • Some of the frogs that live in colder climates hibernate through the winter.
    • When spring arrives, they will find a mate then lay their eggs in the water and the life cycle will be started again.