
Texto de maiyounes - English

    • Thialand cave

    • The rescure plane for kids Is more than amazing Necessity is the mother of invention No one can denay the huge effort made by volunteers The miracles happend when people coopreat together on Pukka or nobil goal Rip the Egyptian youths who freezed to the death

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English

  • Título
  • Sentença 1
    • The rescure plane for kids Is more than amazing Necessity is the mother of invention No one can denay the huge effort made by volunteers The miracles happend when people coopreat together on Pukka or nobil goal Rip the Egyptian youths who freezed to the death
      Vote agora!
    • The plan to rescure plane forthe kids
      is more than amazing .
      Necessity is the mother of invention
      No one can den
      ay y the huge effort made by volunteers
      The m

      iracles happend when people cooprerate together on Pukka ora nobile goal.
      ip.I.P. (rest in peace) to the Egyptian youths who freeozed to the death.
    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 1Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 1