
Текст од Grabowska - English

  • Artificial intelligence

    • Artificial intelligence can be defined as a scientific discipline, which is engaged in modeling of reasonable behavior.
    • This definition has one significant drawback – the concept of intelligence is difficult to explain.
    • Most people are confident that they will be able to distinguish "reasonable behavior", when they will collide with him.
    • However, hardly anyone will be able to give intelligence definition, specific enough for the assessment of supposedly intelligent computer program and at the same time reflecting the vitality and complexity of the human mind.
  • Scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed robots with artificial intelligence, able to deceive and lie.
    • A research group led by Professor Ronald Arkin hopes that their robots will be able to use the military in the future.
    • After they finish, the robots will be able to be guards, to protect the ammunition and provisions from the enemy.
    • By studying the art of lying, these AIs will be able to "buy time until reinforcements arrive," changing patrol strategies to deceive other intelligent robots or people.
  • However, Professor Arkin acknowledged that there are "significant ethical issues" in relation to his research.
    • If the results of his work fall into the wrong hands, it will be a disaster