
Fahimilmaz'den mesaj - English

    • Hi please help me

    • For a person you loved deeply ,would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again?
    • Certainly ،I would do it,I think we come to this world for growth,Love is most important thing for growth.May be for find love we should move some times to other places and some times to other mind or heart.
    • I think family are part of this growth and love , and may be need move again and again.
    • So i do it and try to teach my child that every time for her or his growth he or she need to move ,do it We should find ourself in the this world maybe we need lost everyone for find ourself.we move for understanding everything and sometimes in the end we understand first please was the best please.

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    • For a person you loved deeply ,would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again?
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • For a person you loved deeply , would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again?
    • For a person you loved deeply ,wWould you be willing to move to a distant country, knowing there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again, if it was for a person you loved deeply?
    • For a person you loved deeply , would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing that there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again?
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    • Certainly ،I would do it,I think we come to this world for growth,Love is most important thing for growth.May be for find love we should move some times to other places and some times to other mind or heart.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • Certainly ،I wouldI would certainly do it,. I think we come toare in this world forto growth,L and love is the most important thing for growth. May be forto find love we should moveit is some times to othernecessary to move to a new places and some times to other mindinteract with people of different mentalities or hearts.
    • Certainly. ،I would do it,. I think we coame into this world forto growth,L, and love is the most important thing for growth. May be for, in order to find love, we should move some times move to other places and some times to other mind or heart.
    • Certainly, ،I wouldill do it,; I think we come to this world for growth,L; love is the most important thing for growth.May be for find love we should move some times to other places and some times to other mind or heart.
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 2YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 2
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    • So i do it and try to teach my child that every time for her or his growth he or she need to move ,do it We should find ourself in the this world maybe we need lost everyone for find ourself.we move for understanding everything and sometimes in the end we understand first please was the best please.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • So i do it andI try to teach my child that every time for her or his growth he or she need to move ,do itwe move, it is necessary for her or his growth.
      We should find oursel
      fves in the this world m. Maybe we need to loste everyone forin order to find ourself.wves. We move forto understanding everything and, sometimes, in the end, we understand the first pleasace was the best pleasace.
    • So i do it andPersonally, I do it. I also try to teach my child that every time he or she needs to move for ther or his sake of their growth the or she need to move ,n they should do it
      . We should find ourself in theall strive to find out who we are in this world and maybe to do this, we need to loste everyone for find ourself.we move forelse in order to find ourselves. Our purpose for moving is to understanding everything and sometimes in the end we understandwe eventually find out that the first pleaschoice was the best pleaschoice we have ever made.
    • So i, I do it and try to teach my child that every time for her or his growth he or she need to move ,do it¶
      We should find oursel
      fves in the this world maybe we need lost everyone for find ourself.ves. we move for understanding everything and sometimes in the end we understand first please was the best please.
    • YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle
 4YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 4