
Texto de Viktor82 - English

  • Goodbye

    • Dear all, These few lines to express all the happiness that was for me to work at CocaCola during those years, rich, both from a professional and personal point of view.
    • Firstly, thank you to the legal team, to W, X, Y and Z (also T, who came every day to see us, so he is like a member of the team now!).
    • Working with you has been an honor and a real pleasure, and allowed me to make to progress immensely.
    • Finding such a dynamic and warm working environment will not be an easy task.
    • A special thanks also to W, for sharing his experience and guiding me with always this remarkable professional rigor despite the difficulties and other obstacles of this last year.
    • And finally thank you all for supporting me in the difficult personal moments I encounter this last year.
    • A big general thank you also to all the colleagues, in Berlin and in the world, without whom CocaCola will not be the inventive, hardworking and human company in which I had the chance to evolve.
    • Last but not least, small dedication finally to my “Scorecast” companions (people involved will recognize each other).
    • Bravo Geoffroy, who won this fierce competition (which I outrageously dominated before losing on the thread of mental fatigue).
    • I know that seeing your name in my email is like a consecration for you mate.
    • Enjoy it because I will come back stronger next year !!
    • I wish you all all the best for the future, and for those who would like to come over to Brussels to eat our specialities (mussels and French fries!!”), feel free to co!
    • All the best Victor