
ADJUVA AD EMEDANDUM NUNC!qualiter corripiantur

Scriptum ab Ana_wise - English

    • The growth of the cities is harmful for the environment

    • The problem of conservation of the environment has always aroused heated debates.
    • However, should we stop building the big cities for the sake of the bright future of our descendants, or should the urbanization continue developing?
  • Personally, I am convinced that we must protect natural conditions from anthropogenic impacts, and I believe this for two reasons.
    • First and foremost, the air pollution by industry can lead to health problems of people, and I think their actions should be restricted.
    • And the second reason is that many factories can cause the drought of rivers, seas and oceans.
    • It is important to realize that people on 70 % consist of water, and, therefore, humanity cannot exist without it.
  • Nevertheless, some people might argue with my opinion.
    • They are assumed that the urbanization is the most essential task of the contemporary world.
    • To their point of view, the Earth's sources are renewable, and now there is nothing to worry about.
    • All the same, I absolutely cannot agree with above-mentioned argument.
    • One should take into account the fact that although humanity has enough sources to exist on the Earth at this moment, very soon this storage of natural goods will be desolated.
    • Consequently, people should direct their forces on preservation of the environment.
    • All things considered, I still adhere to my position that development of the urban areas should not harm environment, because the nature is an inalienable part of human beings.