
Text od IvanZheltov - English

  • Present Simple Tense ( test two ) .

  • Hi England!
    • Help me correction my mistake if you find them in my text.
    • I'm fun English language and I want to know English very well. Ok, go!
  • 1) He usually comes home later.
  • 2)My girlfriend lives in another place.
  • 3)We want to know English.
    • 4)It doesn't work 5)Those things don't interesting me at all.
  • 6) She doesn't try to find a good job.
    • She always watchings tv.
  • 7)I don't believe him.
    • 8)Spring in my country now.
  • 9) He doesn't check his order and doesn't pay for it.
  • 10) My new car is bad.
    • 11)I'd like to drink a cup of tea, please bring me this cups.
    • 12) I see your success and I feel happy with you.
  • 13) I know everything!
  • They don't go to another city. P.S.
    • "I want to practice my memory" or "I want to train my memory"?
  • Sorry ArtemisRose.
    • =) https://vocaroo.com/i/s0Lnqqw3F0kT Please listen my pronunciation and evaluate it in the comments on the 5-point scale.
    • Thanks a lot for yout attention!