
Text from Isasza - English

    • River snakes of France

    • It is difficult to imagine swimming alone in the Cévennes rivers.
    • Of course, although the banks of our rivers are not as frequented as the sandy beaches of the Mediterranean Sea, there are still some families who enjoy bathing and swimming in rivers.
    • The waters are not so deep, and they are always very clear, or limpid.
    • We can count very precisely the number of fish that inhabit rivers.
    • They are not only fish, dragonflies and fishing birds that live in and along our rivers.
    • Snakes are part of the river ecosystem.
    • The river couldn't live without them.
    • There are more than 30 common species of snakes.
    • And in summer we often bathe very close to one or the other of them.
    • No fear to feel; these reptiles are all good river geniuses.
    • They are all exciting to watch.
  • We really need to protect them.