

johnask (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Exam

  • Media: Introduction: To start with, the notion of media can be defined by the information of the population on the news of the world.
  • The media is the information source of the population as regards all which takes place in our country and in the world.
  • Besides, there are limits and questioning that we can settle.
  • Indeed, who checks media and in which media they change our everyday life today?
  • Having to present the utility of the media in the world today, we shall speak about the freedom of this distribution of information.
  • Finally, we shall analyze countries existing today which showed themselves very authoritarian.
  • I/ Utility of the media today in the world: First, we use the media today, to inquire and inquire news.
  • It’s a way of being held informed about all which takes place around us.
  • Generally, the information is us transmission thanks to the journalists, by the professors or still by our friends and the storekeepers.Indeed it exists, various types of media and the distribution of information of the populations is not still digital.
  • Today, unlike our ancestors, we have access to internet and to the TV and it allows us to have access to a distribution of information much stronger than what had our parents and our grandparents.I, personally, I inquire most of the time, thanks to the news channels of the television and thanks to the internet which are enormous sources of information.
  • I use these ways of information because it is ways of easy and useful access.
  • On the other hand, this distribution of information is even limited in countries the most free coach as expresses us the law French: " the freedom it is to make what we want without nuir in others ".
  • II/ The freedom of the media in the world: Indeed, in this second part, we are going to speak liberties that the media put in games.
  • The distribution of information involves a lot of freedom as the freedom of expression, the freedom of the media or still the freedom of speech.
  • These liberties are precise and allow us to express ourselves as we wish for it and when we want him.
  • This freedom protects the population against the prosecution judicial.
  • That is when somebody expresses its opinion without nuir in somebody else, nobody can prosecute him.
  • These liberties are the values of the démocrati because in a free country, these liberties are essential.
  • For me, these liberties are very important and actually essential to live serenely.
  • According to me, the freedom of the media and more exactly the freedom of expression is a freedom which allows us to communicate and to live in brotherhood with the others.
  • But unfortunately, certain countries decided to reduce these liberties and to stop anyone who wanted to express themselves as they wished it and mainly the journalists… III/ The countries of censorships (example: China): Finally, having seen that these liberties are the values of the democratic countries, I am going to explain why these liberties are also the weaknesses of countries authoritarian.
  • Indeed, there are many totalitarian countries which destroy these liberties by imposing a censorship.
  • For example, China is the biggest predator of the freedom of expression and the press of the world.
  • It is one of first countries of censorship with the head of state Ji Jinping.
  • It is countries which reduce these liberties but which also stop those who wish to express themselves and to inform the population.
  • Hundreds of journalists very famous were arrested in China because they wanted to inform the Chinese population and that's what causes a severe problem.
  • Indeed, according to me, these countries impose a pressure on the population what brings the fear of people and this is unthinkable for me ..
  • Conclusion: To conclude, I would mean that the media today developed a lot and that in the majority of countries, the information of the population is very present.
  • But unfortunately, certain totalitarian country destroy the liberties and the values of the democracy.
  • Indeed, censorship is a brake in these liberties and these countries forbid the distribution of information until stop journalists and put them in prison to have wanted to express himself.
  • Certain journalists were imprisoned for a duration almost equal to that of a killer ..
  • It is for this kind of thing that I concern my intention the liberties of the media which are very important and essential for the serene lives of all the inhabitants of planets that they are Chinese, African, French, English or still Canadian...

각 문장을 수정해주세요! - English

  • 제목
  • 문장 1
    • Media: Introduction: To start with, the notion of media can be defined by the information of the population on the news of the world.
  • 문장 2
    • The media is the information source of the population as regards all which takes place in our country and in the world.
  • 문장 3
  • 문장 4
  • 문장 5
    • Having to present the utility of the media in the world today, we shall speak about the freedom of this distribution of information.
  • 문장 6
  • 문장 7
  • 문장 8
  • 문장 9
    • Generally, the information is us transmission thanks to the journalists, by the professors or still by our friends and the storekeepers.Indeed it exists, various types of media and the distribution of information of the populations is not still digital.
  • 문장 10
    • Today, unlike our ancestors, we have access to internet and to the TV and it allows us to have access to a distribution of information much stronger than what had our parents and our grandparents.I, personally, I inquire most of the time, thanks to the news channels of the television and thanks to the internet which are enormous sources of information.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 10ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 10
  • 문장 11
  • 문장 12
    • On the other hand, this distribution of information is even limited in countries the most free coach as expresses us the law French: " the freedom it is to make what we want without nuir in others ".
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 12ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 12
  • 문장 13
    • II/ The freedom of the media in the world: Indeed, in this second part, we are going to speak liberties that the media put in games.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 13ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 13
  • 문장 14
    • The distribution of information involves a lot of freedom as the freedom of expression, the freedom of the media or still the freedom of speech.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 14ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 14
  • 문장 15
  • 문장 16
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  • 문장 18
  • 문장 19
  • 문장 20
    • According to me, the freedom of the media and more exactly the freedom of expression is a freedom which allows us to communicate and to live in brotherhood with the others.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 20ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 20
  • 문장 21
    • But unfortunately, certain countries decided to reduce these liberties and to stop anyone who wanted to express themselves as they wished it and mainly the journalists… III/ The countries of censorships (example: China): Finally, having seen that these liberties are the values of the democratic countries, I am going to explain why these liberties are also the weaknesses of countries authoritarian.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 21ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 21
  • 문장 22
  • 문장 23
  • 문장 24
  • 문장 25
    • It is countries which reduce these liberties but which also stop those who wish to express themselves and to inform the population.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 25ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 25
  • 문장 26
    • Hundreds of journalists very famous were arrested in China because they wanted to inform the Chinese population and that's what causes a severe problem.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 26ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 26
  • 문장 27
    • Indeed, according to me, these countries impose a pressure on the population what brings the fear of people and this is unthinkable for me ..
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 27ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 27
  • 문장 28
    • Conclusion: To conclude, I would mean that the media today developed a lot and that in the majority of countries, the information of the population is very present.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 28ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 28
  • 문장 29
  • 문장 30
    • Indeed, censorship is a brake in these liberties and these countries forbid the distribution of information until stop journalists and put them in prison to have wanted to express himself.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 30ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 30
  • 문장 31
  • 문장 32
    • It is for this kind of thing that I concern my intention the liberties of the media which are very important and essential for the serene lives of all the inhabitants of planets that they are Chinese, African, French, English or still Canadian...
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 32ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 32