
Texto de ANNELISE97 - English

    • Literary translation.Le Petit Nicolas of Sempé and Goscinny (1)

    • (The main character is a little boy who is about 7 years old and I have to find how the little English children speak, so don't worry if the dialogues and the narration are not no very formal it's normal ! thanks for your help ;) ) Today, at school, the (school) teacher missed.
    • We were in the playground, standed in a line, to enter the classroom/class ,when the supervisor/warden told/said to us: «Your teacher is sick, today».
  • And then, mister Dubon, the supervisor, led us to the class.
    • The supervisor, we call him «Le Bouillon», when he is not here, of course.
    • We call him like this, because he is saying everytime: «Look me in the eye»….
    • Me neither I hadn’t understood right now/at the moment, it’s the bigger (the children who are older, special english expression said by the children??) who explained it to me.
    • Le Bouillon has a big moustache and he (often?) punishes (often?), with him, you shoudn’t joke about/laugh.
    • That’s why we were embarrassed/upset/bothered that he comes to watch us closely/over//to keep watch on us, but, fortunately, when he arrived in class, he told us : «I can’t stay with you, I have to work with monsieur the headmaster/school principal, so, look me in the eye and promise me to be wise/behave yourselves/be good».
    • All our lot of eyes watched into his and we promised.
    • By the way, we are always enough wise.
    • But he seemed to be wary, le Bouillon, so he asked who had been the best pupil in the class.
    • «It’s me sir !» said Agnan, so proud.
    • And it’s true, Agnan is the first in the class/the top of the class, it’s also the favorite/darling (other possibilities?) of the teacher and us we don’t like him so much, but we can’t beat him up as often as we wish, because of his glasses.
    • «Well, said le Bouillon, you are going to seat in place of your teacher/(at the seat of your teacher?) and you will keep watching on your comrades.
    • I will come back from time to time to see how things go/are going/work out.
  • Review your lessons».
    • Agnan full of joy/happy, came to sit at he teacher’s desk and le Bouillon got out/left.
    • «Well, said Agnan, we had to have arithmetic, take your notebooks/books, we are going to do/make a problem».
    • «You’re not a little crazy, are you ?
    • asked Clotaire.
  • «Clotaire, be quiet !
    • » yelled Agnan, who really seemed to think he was the teacher.
    • «Come here to say it to my face, if you are a man !
    • » said Clotaire and the door of the class opened and we saw le Bouillon entering very happy. «Ah ! He said.
    • I was staying behind/ had been stayed behind the door to listen.
    • You, over there, look me in the eye » Clotaire watched, but what he had seen didn’t seem to make him glad/give him pleasure.
  • «You are going/will conjugate the verb : I musn’t be rude/impolite towards a comrade who is charged to watch me closely and who wants me to do arithmetic problems».
  • After having told this, le Bouillon left, but he promised us that he would come back.