טקסט של - English

  • Dialogues (joke)

  • - For our mission we must have wide-open eyes and be wide awake!
  • - What kind of is our mission, sir?
  • - We need to widen courage of discouraged fruits.
  • - Why need we to do this?
  • *** - How will we do this?
  • - We will reinvent bicycle and overexcite people, who was excited by last our invention. - What was it?
  • - You are always forgot something important.
  • Have you got enough loneliness?
  • - Much loneliness.
  • - Have you got enough time?
  • Yes, I have much time.
  • - Why do you have much time?
  • - Because I have watch, isn't it?
  • - No, because you are inventor!

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English