
Text from EDMOLHE - English

    • The media

    • the reading states that new tecnologies of information are more used in this days when people need to know what is happening nowadays.
    • For example, young people generally read online news everytime they can, in an automaticaly way.
    • On the other hand, there are many TV channels that have 24-hours cicles of informative shows and you could turn the TV on and get all the current information of them.
    • After, the listening details the benefits of reading the newspaper, casts doubt on the reading position about new tecnologies are more used at time to adquire infomation.
  • First, the newspaper's journalists have a higher level of education because it is mandatory having a major for working in serious enterprises like New York Times and Wallstreet Journal.
    • In conclusion, the lecture casts doubt on the readng because of the journaists andth information of newspaper have a superior quality.